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杜松子酒 Wigmore's Intimate Interview With Jacinda Ardern 杜松子酒 and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden have an intimate chat as part of Gin's #GIRLGANG. May 2018. 下载 加入列表 播放 全部播放 全选/反选 播放选中 营业执照 - 网络音乐行业发展联盟成员 - ICP备案:豫B2-20110008-7 - 增值电信业务经营许可证 - 网络文化经营许可证:豫网文(2019)2932-053号 - 公司简介 But on 25 August 2014, Wigmore posted a picture of the beginning of her thirteen day studio work at Blakeslee Recording Studios in North Hollywood, California. Stephen Rusch is engineering the album. On 29 January 2015, Wigmore posted the album cover and title of her the third LP, Blood to Bone, which is scheduled for release on 26 June 2015. Blood to Bone is the third album from New Zealand alternative rock singer Gin Wigmore.Recorded during a two-week period in California, the album has a different sound from its predecessors, relying mostly on electronic beats, and introspective lyrics where Wigmore reflected in her life choices since predecessor Gravel & Wine, such as breaking an engagement to a long-time lover and moving from
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Award winning NZ artist Gin Wigmore has announced her third studio album ‘Blood To Bone’. GIN WIGMORE - BLOOD TO BONE (CD) | Trade Me GIN WIGMORE - BLOOD TO BONE (CD) for sale on Trade Me, New Zealand's #1 auction and classifieds website On 29 January 2015, Wigmore posted the album cover and title of her the third album, Blood to Bone, which was scheduled for release by Island Records on 26 June 2015 (30 June 2015 in the United States). As of 16 June 2015, the US release date for Blood to Bone had been pushed back to 28 August 2015.
杜松子酒-翻译为法语-例句中文 Reverso Context
下载 加入列表 播放 全部播放 全选/反选 播放选中 营业执照 - 网络音乐行业发展联盟成员 - ICP备案:豫B2-20110008-7 - 增值电信业务经营许可证 - 网络文化经营许可证:豫网文(2019)2932-053号 - 公司简介 But on 25 August 2014, Wigmore posted a picture of the beginning of her thirteen day studio work at Blakeslee Recording Studios in North Hollywood, California. Stephen Rusch is engineering the album. On 29 January 2015, Wigmore posted the album cover and title of her the third LP, Blood to Bone, which is scheduled for release on 26 June 2015. Blood to Bone is the third album from New Zealand alternative rock singer Gin Wigmore.Recorded during a two-week period in California, the album has a different sound from its predecessors, relying mostly on electronic beats, and introspective lyrics where Wigmore reflected in her life choices since predecessor Gravel & Wine, such as breaking an engagement to a long-time lover and moving from 壁纸 of 杜松子酒 壁纸 for 粉丝 of 杜松子酒 Wigmore 38410882 But on 25 August 2014, Wigmore posted a picture of the beginning of her thirteen day studio work at Blakeslee Recording Studios in North Hollywood, California. Stephen Rusch is engineering the album. On 29 January 2015, Wigmore posted the album cover and title of her the third LP, Blood to Bone, which is scheduled for release on 26 June 2015. Gin Wigmore(原名Virginia Claire Wigmore)出生于1986年6月6日,是一位来自新西兰的唱作歌手。她于2009年发行了她的第一张专辑Holy Smoke,与2011年发行了她的第二张专辑Gravel & Wine。
Gin Wigmore - 'Blood to Bone' Australian iTunes Chart Performance "Blood to Bone": Chart Statistics. Release date: 28 Aug 2015; Chart debut: #25 (28 Aug 2015) Highest Position: #24 (29 Aug 2015) Most recent chart position: #45 (03 Sep 2015) Days on Australian Albums Chart: 8 Award winning NZ artist Gin Wigmore releases her highly anticipated third studio album 'Blood To Bone.' Diving into a variety of unchartered musical avenues with her new album, the first single "New Rush," a clear example that exploration 照片 of 杜松子酒 Wigmore live for 粉丝 of 杜松子酒 Wigmore 34216572 Blood to Bone is the third album from New Zealand alternative rock singer Gin Wigmore.Recorded during a two-week period in California, the album has a different sound from its predecessors, relying mostly on electronic beats, and introspective lyrics where Wigmore reflected in her life choices since predecessor Gravel & Wine, such as breaking an engagement to a long-time lover and moving from
'New Rush' is the brand new single from NZ's very own Gin Wigmore! Follow this playlist and get tracks as they're released off the upcoming new album 'Blood To Bone' out June 26th. Also included in this playlist are 5 tracks handpicked by Gin that helped inspire 'Blood To Bone'. Blood to Bone, 2015; Blood to Bone, 2015 Gin Wigmore. New Rush, 03:49 Nothing to No One, 03:46 Black Parade, 04:05 Written In the Water, 02:46 In My Way, 03:29 Holding on to …
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