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ps4 pt. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Nov 7 '16 at 16:06. Vemonus. 61.8k 51 51 gold badges 245 245 silver badges 385 385 bronze badges. asked Nov 6 '16 at 17:00. Mr McClean Mr McClean. 2,657 27 27 gold badges 67 67 silver badges 114 114 bronze badges. Add a comment | 透過代理伺服器,重新下載小島秀夫被腰斬的PS4夢幻遊戲P.T. 預計於Sony PlayStation 4推出的恐怖遊戲沉默之丘(Silent Hills)系列最新作,由Konami前王牌製作人小島秀夫,與電影羊男的迷宮、環太平洋導演Guillermo del Toro合力製作,而縮寫自Playable Teaser的P.T.,則是這款遊戲的試玩版。. 先前玩家可以在Sony PlayStation Network網路商店免費下載P.T.,但是隨著遊戲被腰斬,P.T.也從網路商店 Download the latest games Pre-order the games you can’t wait to play, get your hands on new titles and special editions with PlayStation-exclusive content and pre-load your next adventure so it’s ready to play on the day of launch. P.T. (initialism for "playable teaser") is a first-person psychological horror video game developed by Kojima Productions, under the pseudonym "7780s Studio", and published by Konami. The game was directed and designed by Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with film director Guillermo del Toro . Released for the PlayStation 4 on 12 August 2014 as a Outer Wilds é um mundo aberto misterioso sobre um sistema solar preso num loop temporal brBoas-vindas ao Programa EspacialbrVocê é o mais novo recruta do Outer Wilds Ventures, um programa espacial recém-lançado que busca por respostas num sistema solar estranho em constante evoluçã brMistérios do sistema solarbrO que espreita no coração do sinistro Dark Bramble Fala ae pessoal, beleza?Trazendo 15 minutos ai de game play do Bless Unleashed que saiu recentemente, espero que gostem.!/tid=

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13 Apr 2016 — 預計於Sony PlayStation 4推出的恐怖遊戲沉默之丘(Silent Hills)系列最新作,由Konami前王牌製作人小島秀夫,與電影羊男的迷宮、環太平洋  基本上不是改機,也不是盜版,所以應該還是可以討論吧透過代理伺服器,重新下載小島秀夫被腰斬的PS4夢幻遊戲P.T.  17 Dec 2015 — PS4部分: 3、直到代理界面,输入你的代理地址,端口代码输入808。 目前测试情况亚洲PSN可以成功下载《P.T.》,但毕竟这不是官方的  以下是使用代理服务器加快PS4上的下载速度的方法。告别慢的PSN下载速度! 引述《cenaxbox360 (戀愛)》之銘言> 如果已經下載過的想換更大的硬碟備份下來是不是也載不回來了呢? 詳情點標題連結透過代理伺服器,重新 

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